Porcelain Dental Crowns
Aesthetic in Da Nang

Dana Dental – The address for porcelain dental crowns in Da Nang is prestigious, quality, and reasonably priced, chosen by a large number of customers. With a team of experienced, well-trained doctors and the most modern equipment. Dana Dental – Confidently bring customers Regular – Beautiful – Perfect teeth!

Aesthetic porcelain crown is a dental restoration treatment with fixed porcelain teeth that can be porcelain crowns or porcelain bridges to recreate the aesthetic and functional appearance of chipped teeth, tooth decay, tooth wear, or tooth loss, etc.

Are porcelain crown good? Are you hurt? What types of porcelain dental crown are good today? What are the standards to choose a prestigious and quality porcelain dental crown in Da Nang? All questions about porcelain teeth will be answered specifically and in detail through the article below.

What are Dental Crowns? Which cases should be Porcelain Crown?

Over time, your teeth can get damaged. This can happen for a variety of reasons, like tooth decay, injuries or just use over time. Your teeth can lose their shape or size. Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that can be placed over your tooth. Think of it like a snug hat for your tooth. The crown restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance.

dental crowns

A dental crown can be made of many different materials and placed on top of your damaged tooth.

The dental crown is cemented into place on your tooth and it covers the visible portion of the tooth.

What is a Porcelain crown?

A porcelain crown improves your dental function. It is aesthetically pleasing too as it is. colour matched to precisely the same colour as your natural teeth. Your dentist will match your porcelain crown to the colour, shape and lustre of your natural teeth, ensuring it blends in with the rest of your mouth.

Which cases should be Porcelain Crown?

Porcelain crown is the technique of using dental porcelain or bridges to cover the defective or damage teeth to reproduce the color and shape of the tooh, improve the aesthetics and function of chewing for tooth. Porcelain crowns can be applied to a variety of cases such as:

  • Does not feel satisfied with the color and shape of the current tooth
  • Tooth discoloration, Tetracylin stains, severe Fluorosis cannot be bleached.
  • Bad tooth shape, chipped, broken, no longer in its original state
  • Tooth damaged by dental caries, enamel erosion, pulpitis
  • Protruding tooth, crooked tooth,…
  • Root canal treated tooth
  • Tooth loss

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Advantages of Aesthetic Porcelain Crown

Because porcelain teeth are designed with more beautiful colors and shapes than real teeth, after covering the porcelain crown you can perfectly repair the weakness of bad teeth, making teeth more regular, beautiful and brighter. It’s even hard to tell the difference between a real tooth and a porcelain tooth.

Increase ability to eat and chew

Porcelain crowns are made of strong hard material, can withstand the chewing force well so that after covering the porcelain teeth, the real teeth are not only protected but also ensure good chewing function. In case of teeth loss, covering with porcelain teeth bridges will help restore the lost teeth, better chewing jaw.

Long life expectancy

Porcelain teeth are very strong, so they have a long life on the jaw, can be up to 10 – 20 years if well cared for.

Reasonable cost

The cost of porcelain crowns varies depending on the type of materials you choose, but it is generally quite reasonable and suitable for many people’s income.

If you’re still wondering and have a lot of questions to decide if porcelain crown or not, check out the end of the article or click Here

Evaluation criteria of prestigious Porcelain Crowns Dental clinic in Da Nang, VietNam

In order to choose a prestigious and quality cosmetic porcelain crowns dental clinic in Da Nang city, you need to note some of the following issues:

  • Skills of doctors: A prestigious address must have a qualified and experienced team of doctors. It is to help the process to proceed properly. It ensures aesthetics as well as minimizing the risks. In particular, the doctor must be granted a practice certificate of the Ministry of Public Health because currently, the situation of “fake” dentists without professional degree widespread and grind the teeth innocently leave quite serious consequences for customers later.
  • Facilities and equipment system: An address with a modern machinery and equipment system will provide maximum support to the doctors throughout the implementation process. Making porcelain crown wil be quick, simple, and much easier.
  • Porcelain materials: The use of genuine porcelain materials is also an important factor. Because, it determines the aesthetic efficiency as well as the durability and longevity of porcelain teeth. Moreover, it helps ensure that oral health is guaranteed.

Customer Reviews: Before choosing dentistry, you should also refer to the reviews from previous customers. A prestigious address will have positive reviews. Conversely, a non-quality facility will have bad reviews from the customers.

Dana Dental – Prestigious cosmetic porcelain crown dental clinic in Da Nang city

Dana Dental is one of the most prestigious and quality cosmetic porcelain crown dental clinics. This is the perfect answer to the question of where the best quality of cosmetic porcelain crown dental clinics in Da Nang city. The process of making porcelain teeth at Dana Dental ensures accuracy from the first steps.

The advantages of Dana Dental are showed by:

– A team of highly skilled doctors who are proficient in specialize, have many years of experience in making porcelain teeth for many customers. Therefore, it will ensure the correct tooth ratio from grinding to making porcelain crown.

– Machinery and equipment are imported, ensuring the best support for the implementation process. Therefore, choosing an address to make porcelain crowns in Da Nang city at Dana Dental is the best decision.

– In particular, Dana Dental uses the most modern Cerec dental simulator system. This makes it easier for the doctor to determine the patient’s condition through accurate images displayed on the associated computer screen.

– The Labo system of making porcelain crowns is done correctly by artisans. Matches the rate previously calculated by the doctor, helping the teeth and porcelain crowns fit together. Porcelain teeth are both durable and safe and do not cause complications.

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Quality and Safety Porcelain crowns in Da Nang city at Dana Dental

Choosing a good, reputable dentistry is not only important to give you a good smile, but also to make sure you have long-lasting functions of chewing or eating.

Dana Dental’s Porcelain Crowns process in Da Nang

Dana Dental is proud to be the leading digital advanced dental clinic in Da Nang. We have a full range of the highest quality porcelain, the most modern machinery and technology. Along with it, wwe have the international standard process. It consists of the following steps:

Step 1: General examination of oral condition

  • Check-up and radiography of the entire jaw.
  • Assess the oral health situation, advise on issues related to porcelain teeth and make a detailed treatment plan for you.
bác sĩ khám tổng quát trước khi điều trị nha khoa
Dentist check-up the general oral condition to detect and treat diseases before porcelain crowns

Step 2: Oral hygiene, give an anaesthesia and grind the teeth

  • The dentist performs oral hygiene for the client to clean the area where need to grind.
  • Next, an anaesthetic is performed to reduce the pain.
  • Perform tooth grinding. The rate of tooth grinding will depend on the client’s tooth condition.

Step 3: Impress teeth and attach temporary teeth

  • In this step, the doctor will perform a dental impression, choose the color teeth. Then send to the Labo for technicians to manipulate according to the collected teeth sample.
  • Then temporary crowns are placed on the teeth that have just been ground to cover the unaesthetics and protect the real teeth from external impacts.

The doctor takes the dental impression and sends it to the lab for the technicians to manipulate the collected tooth sample

Step 4: Design porcelain teeth as required

The tooth sample will be brought to the Labo for production with the utmost meticulousness and preciseness.

răng sứ thẩm mỹ tại đà nẵng
The most meticulous and precision porcelain tooth design

Step 5: Test and attach the Porcelain Teeth

  • The next step is to check the fitting of the porcelain teeth and show that the customer agrees with the color and shape of the teeth. If unsatisfied, further suggestions can be made for editing.
  • After testing the teeth and the customer is satisfied, the doctor will proceed to attach the porcelain crown with dental cement.

Step 6: Check and advise the follow-up examination

  • Once finalized, your doctor will instruct you how to take care of your teeth after a porcelain crown has been taken.
  • When the anesthesia is gone, your doctor will ask you to bite lightly. If you feel any pain, it will be promptly fixed.

Current types of Porcelain Crowns

The materials of porcelain teeth are made from 4 different materials including base metals, titanium, precious metals and all-ceramic. Each type has different advantages and disadvantages, so you need to think carefully to choose which one is right for you.

Base Metal Porcelain Crown / Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) Crown

  • Advantage: The inner rib is made from metal and the porcelain cover outer rib. Base metal porcelain crown usually have an inner layer of nickel-chromium alloy. It has the lowest cost among the current types of porcelain crowns on the market.
  • Disadvantages: Ni-Cr alloy have the advantage of cost savings but Nickel can cause allergies to some people. After several years of use, the metal layer is oxidized causing the neck tooth to be grayed out of the metal, losing the aesthetics of the tooth. Plus, it can sometimes crack or break when you bite hard objects.

Titanium Porcelain Crown

The inner rib is made from titanium and the porcelain cover outer rib. Titanium is used quite commonly in medicine because it does not cause allergies, cancers and can be combined well with the bone organization of the body, including teeth. Titanium porcelain crown are long-lasting, less sensitive to hot and cold food and do not bleed the gums, blackness of the gingival margins.

Titanium porcelain crown are inexpensive and reasonable cost, especially in the case of large quantities of dental prostheses.

Precious Metal Porcelain Crowns

This type has an inner part made from precious metals such as gold, platinum, palladium and an outer part is porcelain. It has natural colors.


  • High durability.
  • When using precious metal porcelain crowns, do not worry about graying in the neck tooth after many years.
  • The color of the teeth is more natural than base metal porcelain crown.
  • Easily compatible with teeth and gum as well as limiting tooth discoloration.
  • The gold has high thinning properties, so it has good tightness to reduce the risk of food and bacteria entering.

Disadvantages: Due to the use of precious metal and high performance technical requirements, the cost is higher than titanium porcelain crowns and base metal porcelain crowns.

All-ceramic Crowns

All-ceramic crowns are porcelain teeth combined with high quality monolithic porcelain and aesthetic porcelain coating, the frame and outer surface coating are all made of porcelain so it provides a high aesthetic when dental prosthesis.

Currently, CAD/CAM porcelain crown is one of the new and modern generation of porcelain in the world. The whole design (CAD-Computer Aided Design) and production process (Computer Aided Manufacture) is mostly done on computers.

Due to the use of CAD/CAM technology, it is necessary to invest in expensive machinery, Zirconium and GH ceramic ingots are imported from Germany, so the cost is quite high. However, more and more customers choose all-ceramic porcelain crowns by the high advantages compared to traditional porcelain teeth, especially for anterior teeth that require high aesthetics.

Table of comparative types of porcelain crowns at Dana Dental- Dentistry in Danang

Porcelain Crown Type Ni – Cr Porcelain Crown Titanium Porcelain Crown All-ceramic Crown
Aesthetic character Because the core is metal, the crown is opaque and not as polished as the real tooth. More opaque colors, not as natural as the real teeth The teeth has naturally beautiful color, hypoallergenic
Risk of blackening of the gingival margins By time, the metal inside is easy to oxidize with the acidic environment in the oral cavity, so it can easily lead to blackening of the neck teeth. Initially, it has beautiful teeth color but the frame is still metal alloy so the fluorescent still has black light and long term still affected by the oxidation reaction blackens the gingival margins. This condition does not occur, the teeth are still white and shiny as at the beginning
Durableness of teeth Sturdy frame that withstands compressive forces well Maintains high bearing capacity Very high durability and rigidity
Implemention techniques Easy to implement, no high tech required Easy to implement, no need too complicated machinery Complex machine manipulation, doctors need specialized knowledge and aesthetic skills
Longevity Not high, usually 3-5 years Durableness may 10 years Prolonged lifed

How much is the Porcelain Crowns at Dana Dental

In addition to the quality of services, Porcelain Crowns cost in Da Nang city is also interest to many people. Currently, there are many types of porcelain teeth with different price lists. Because each type and each clinic facility has different aesthetic methods as well as different types of porcelain crown construction materials.

Price list of porcelain teeth at Dana Dental – Dentistry in Danang

The price of porcelain crown at Dana Dental is neither cheap nor expensive. It is suitable and commensurate to high-end materials, modern machines serving customers during treatment. Beside that, the services and the space is 5-star standard, the high skilled doctors and specialists from Ho Chi Minh city with more than 10 years of experience. And there are many things that when customers come to us, they can only compliment us on our services.Below is a reference price list of porcelain crowns in Da Nang at Dana Dental

Porcelain Crowns Price List

Service Price (VND) Unit
Ni – Cr Metal Porcelain Crown 1.500.000 1 Tooth
Titanium Porcelain Crown 2.000.000 1 Tooth
Cr – Co Metal Porcelain Crown 2.500.000 1 Tooth
Precious Metal Porcelain Crown (Gold or Platinum) 9.000.000 1 Tooth
Razor UNC Zirconia All-ceramic Crowns (Korea) 3.200.000 1 Tooth
Katana Zirconia All-ceramic Crowns (Japan) 3.500.000 1 Tooth
Cercon HT Zirconia All-ceramic Crowns 4.000.000 1 Tooth
DD.Bio Zirconia All-ceramic Crowns 5.000.000 1 Tooth
Sagemax Zirconia All-ceramic Crowns 6.000.000 1 Tooth
Ceramil Zolid Zirconia All-ceramic Crowns 6.500.000 1 Tooth
IPS Emax Press All-ceramic Crowns 7.000.000 1 Tooth
Zirconia Lava+ 3M All-ceramic Crowns 8.000.000 1 Tooth
Inlay, Onlay Composite 2.000.000 1 Tooth
Inlay – Onlay Porcelain 4.000.000 1 Tooth
Titanium Core Build-up 1.500.000 1 Tooth
Zirconia Porcelain Core Build-up 3.000.000 1 Tooth
Temporary Plastic tooth 80.000 1 Tooth
PMMA temporary tooth 250.000 1 Tooth
Removal of bridges, removal of dental crowns 300.000 1 Tooth
Reattach the Dental crowns 500.000 1 Tooth

*** Note: The above price list is for reference only. The price of porcelain crowns may vary from time to time and does not include discounts. To receive assistance detail, please contact us immediately via hotline +84 788 588 588

Forms of payment for expenses at Dana Dental Clinic

At Dana Dental, in addition to being directly treated by a team of experienced and specialized doctors, well cared for by our consultants, customers are also supported in paying for treatment costs by flexible payment methods and installment policies. It will give customers have completely peace of mind to experience the international standard of dental services. Specifically:

  • Pay directly in cash, bank transfer or swipe a payment card.
  • Pay 1 time or more according to the treatment schedule.
  • Installment by credit card of all Banks.

Dana Dental is proud to be one of the dentistry addresses that have applied state-of-the-art technologies in Da Nang, serving multiform cosmetic dentistry services. If you have any questions about root canal treatment in Da Nang, please contact us via Hotline +84 788 588 588 or Inbox for specific advice.

Porcelain Crowns on instalment plan in Da Nang city

Currently, Dana Dental has policies on porcelain crowns in Da Nang city. Customers do not have to worry about excessive costs. We guarantee everyone would have a shining smile. With the association with many banks, customers will be supported extremely quickly to pay by installment on porcelain crowns in Da Nang city. The following are the conditions for participating in the porcelain crowns installment at Dana Dental:

  • Full of documents: Driver’s license, family registration, ID card/Passport,…
  • Clear income certification.
  • Prepay from 10-20% depending on the services.
  • Has a good liquidity history.
  • Pay by installments from 6 – 12 months selected by the customers.

If you would like more information about porcelain crowns in Da Nang city or to make an appointment for direct examination, please contact us immediately via hotline +84 788 588 588

about Porcelain Crowns

Does it hurt to make porcelain crowns?

It also depends on the following factors: skills of doctor, supporting equipment…If it is carried out by high qualified and specialized doctors in the field of cosmetic porcelain teeth, experienced, combined with the support of modern technology, it certainly does not hurt, moreover, it also brings satisfactory results.

However, in fact, there are many cases that make customers feel pain and discomfort. One of the reasons is because of the process, it has ground the real teeth to cover the porcelain crown on it. In this operation, if the doctor does not have skills, the technique of grinding is not good, too invasive to the real tooth tissue will make the customer feel pain.

Do porcelain crowns have a bad breath ?

Bad breath when having porcelain crowns may occur due to the following reasons:

  • Poor skills of doctors, improper process
  • Poor quality porcelain material, the porcelain crowns may crack or appear to have a rough groove that causes food to linger
  • Digestive disorders
  • Improper oral hygiene

After the exact cause of the bad breath has been determined, the customer can choose the best remedy, aiming to terminate the bad breath, while protecting oral health better:

  • Replace new teeth, to prevent bad breath condition for a long time
  • Readjust the porcelain crowns so that fit tightly into the real teeth, there is no gap for bacteria to cause bad breath to develop
  • Treat strictly the pathologies that cause bad breath, then remake the porcelain crowns
  • Oral hygiene from 2 to 3 times a day, using dental floss to clean your teeth
How much does a Porcelain crown cost?

In each dental clinic, there will be different prices. At Dana Dental, the price of porcelain crowns will range from 1,500,000 VND/a tooth – 7,000,000 VND/a tooth, in which metal porcelain crowns will have lower price than all-ceramic porcelain crowns.

How long does it take to make porcelain crowns?

The porcelain crowns time depends on the number of the teeth that has covered. Usually, if you cover 2 – 3 teeth, it only takes about 3-5 days and if you cover more than that, it will take 5-7 days (depending on the condition of each person’s teeth).

This is the period of time that includes the re-examination, grinding the teeth, fabrication of porcelain crowns and completion of the porcelain crowns when it is covered on your real teeth. You can use it to organize time, work accordingly.

When the second time do you need porcelain crowns?

When is a new porcelain crown change needed? If you plan to have porcelain crowns for the second time, here are some moments and phenomenon that you should be aware of:

  • 7 – 10 years after the first time you have porcelain crowns with metal porcelain crowns. For those who have all-ceramic crowns, the time limit is 10 – 20 years depending on the type of porcelain.
  • Porcelain crowns have covered for a long time and now there is oxidation and damage. The teeth are irritating, feel uncomfortable and painful. This is a common condition with metal porcelain crowns. At this time, you need to go to the dentist right away to treat it. If kept long, they can lead to dangerous periodontal pathologies.
  • In case of blackening gingival margins when covering the metal porcelain crowns, you need to replace all-ceramic crowns to solve the problem.
  • Newly had porcelain crowns but experiencing phenomena such as internal tooth decay, pain, infection or sensitivity.
  • The porcelain crown does not fit the real teeth due to the wrong technique. At this time, the porcelain crowns are opened, so it is necessary to make it for the second time to ensure aesthetics and prevent oral disease.
  • Porcelain crowns have been cracked, broken, damaged and cannot retain their original status due to the incident also need to be covered. In addition, porcelain crowns are discolored, no longer aesthetic should be replaced.
Prestigious porcelain dental cover selection criteria?

A reputable porcelain crowns dental clinic must meet the following criterias:

  • Full of operating license, practice certificate of the doctors.
  • Highly specialized and experienced team of doctors.
  • Labo Division transfers state-of-the-art technology.
  • Modern equipment.
  • Sterile clinic system.

According to Dr. Pham Minh Tuan: “In order to choose prestigious dentistry, customers need to pay attention to the qualifications of doctors, whether the equipment is modern or not, along with the fact that the porcelain crowns are clearly derived, helping the process of making porcelain crowns safety and without dangerous complications. Should not do the cheap and poor quality porcelain crowns because of your long-term health.”

Contact Dana Dental Clinic

Phone Number
+84 788 588 588

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    Dana Dental Clinic

    Dana Dental Limited Company
    CEO/Founder: Doctor Pham Minh Tuan
    Operating License: 01096/ĐNA-GPHĐ
    Issued by: Da Nang Department of Health
    Tax Code: 0402161656
    Issued by: Da Nang Department of Planning and Investment

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